Adjusting on Later Streets After Exploiting Flop
The key to exploiting opponents profitably is knowing when to stop. I’m not referring to how often…
C-Betting IP vs Passive Poker Players
A preflop raiser enjoys a significant range advantage over a BB caller, enabling them to continuation bet…
C-Betting Against ICM Preflop Ranges
You raise from early position (EP) in a multi-table tournament and the BB calls. Both of you…
Exploiting Excessive C-Betting by IP
On some flops, it is simply not possible for the preflop raiser to continuation bet too often.…
Exploiting Excessive C-Betting by OOP
A preflop raiser who continuation bets too often is always a potential target for exploitation, but the…
Mastering Three-Bet Pots In Position in MTTs
Playing in position against a three-better is a lesson in playing to your advantages. As the defending…
Mastering Three-Bet Pots Out of Position in MTTs
Three-bet pots are scary. Playing out of position is scary. Put them together, and you’ve got many…
The Greatest Final Table in Triton History
Today, we’ll examine one of the most epic final table battles I’ve ever witnessed! Our adventure begins…
Mastering Thin Value Bets in Checked-Down Pots
Valuing your hand appropriately—determining whether it’s strong enough to value bet or so weak you should consider…