ICM and Blind Battles: The Small Blind
ICM incentivizes more conservative play, which means that at stages of the tournament where risk premiums are…
Mastering the Chiplead: The Scalpel and the Sledgehammer
When you have a lot of chips at a final table or in another situation with extreme…
How ICM Impacts Restealing From The Blinds
When I first started working with preflop solves, one of the features I found most striking was…
The ICM Benefits of Late Registration in Poker Tournaments
Why do so many professional poker players register late for tournaments when they clearly would enjoy a…
Flop Heuristics: OOP C-Betting in MTTs
Playing against an in-position cold-caller is dramatically different–and dramatically more difficult–than playing against a caller from the…
How To Negotiate Final Table Deals
Most people’s first introduction to the Independent Chip Model (ICM) is not from studying bubble play or…
How Does ICM Impact PKO Strategy?
If you have read The Theory of Progressive Knockout Tournaments you already know why we can play…
How ICM Impacts Postflop Strategy
Most players understand how the Independent Chip Model (ICM) in poker impacts their strategy preflop, especially at…
What is the Bubble Factor in poker tournaments?
The Independent Chip Model (ICM) shows us the real money implications of tournament chip decisions. Most players…