I’d Rather Be Drawing
Which is the better hand on a K♥8♦5♦ flop: K♠T♣ or 7♥6♥? OK, I’ll admit I didn’t…
The Curious Case of Open-Limping Buttons
Before the advent of solvers, open-limping was considered the province of passive, gambley recreational players who just…
Cleaning Out Sticky IP Callers
A “sticky” player on your left, one who calls your preflop raises too often and doesn’t give…
Defending Against Tiny 3-Bets
Tournament poker is about precision. Cash games, where stacks typically run into the hundreds of big blinds,…
Heads up! Exploiting SB’s Preflop Mistakes
Heads up (HU) tournament play presents unique challenges to the average player. Many tournament players, particularly those…
River Refinements: When Your Opponent Won’t Check-Raise
One of the biggest strategic differences between playing in versus out of position involves betting frequency and…
Turn Barreling in 3-Bet Pots
There are two articles on the GTO Wizard blog that make good prerequisites to this piece: Principles…
How To Adjust When Villain Has No Bluffs
“They always have it!” is a common, semi-joking expression in poker to describe the tendency of a…
Adjusting on Later Streets After Exploiting Flop
The key to exploiting opponents profitably is knowing when to stop. I’m not referring to how often…