ICM Strategy: Playing IP Against the Chip Leader on the Final Table
The good news is you’ve made the final table (FT). Better yet, you’ve made it with a…
ICM Survival Guide: How To Play OOP vs. a Covering Stack at the Final Table
Contesting a pot against a player who covers you at a final table (FT) is one of…
When Is Bluffing Profitable? The Key Factors You Need to Know
When is bluffing profitable? When you expect your opponent to fold! That’s not a joke, and I…
How To Get the Most out of Your Hand Reviews
I don’t spend much of my study time checking whether specific hands I played are “solver-approved.” After…
The Art of Turn Probing: Exploiting Checked Flops
After calling a 3-bet as the out of position (OOP) player, you should expect to see a…
How To Respond to Large Preflop Raises in Poker
Solver-derived preflop charts for both cash games and tournaments have historically assumed small raises on the part…
IP 4-Betting in Deep-Stacked Cash Games
4-betting in position (IP) is a totally different phenomenon from 4-betting out of position (OOP). 4-betting reduces…
OOP 4-Betting in Deep-Stacked Cash Games
4-bet pots (4BP) can be scary because the stakes are high, but with 100bb stacks, they are…
The Many Faces of Balance in Poker
When you think of balance in poker, what comes to mind? Most likely, you were introduced to…