Overcalling From the BB
In poker, overcalling refers to calling a bet or raise after another player has also called. Should…
Using New Skills at the Poker Table
How many times has it happened to you that you make a mistake only to realize immediately…
Flatting Ace-X Hands Shortstacked
Playing out of position is tricky, but it’s an essential part of tournament play. With so much…
Playing Limped Pots as the BB in MTTs
Success as the BB in limped pots begins before the flop. The BB’s equilibrium strategy at all…
Playing Limped Pots as the SB in MTTs
MTT confrontations between the small blind and big blind force no-limit players into uncomfortable situations, compelling them…
The Art of Learning Poker
In his book The Art of Learning, chess and Push Hands champion Josh Waitzkin describes a training…
Is Donk Betting for Donkeys?
“Donk betting”, or betting from out of position into the player who was the aggressor on the…
Delayed C-Betting
This is a companion piece to Probe Betting. It stands on its own, but understanding how to…
Probe Betting
As far as rules of thumb go in poker, “check to the raiser” is a pretty good…