Mastering the Chiplead: The Scalpel and the Sledgehammer
When you have a lot of chips at a final table or in another situation with extreme…
How ICM Impacts Restealing From The Blinds
When I first started working with preflop solves, one of the features I found most striking was…
Flop Heuristics: OOP C-Betting in MTTs
Playing against an in-position cold-caller is dramatically different–and dramatically more difficult–than playing against a caller from the…
Counterintuitive Calls
Solver outputs such as those provided by GTO Wizard are models of no-limit hold ‘em, not a…
Flop Heuristics: IP Cold-Caller in MTTs
A Cold-call refers to the act of calling a preflop raise when you don’t close the action…
Flop Heuristics: IP C-Betting in MTTs
In the world of poker, the flop is a crucial stage of the game that sets the…
Flop Heuristics for Defending the Blinds in MTTs
The field of Game Theoretically Optimal poker is extensive, and thus, to simplify our strategy, we frequently…
Principles of River Play
The river offers the least complicated strategy of any betting street. With no further cards to come,…
Exploitative Dynamics
GTO solutions are designed to be unexploitable, performing reasonably well no matter how your opponents play. They…