ICM Survival Guide: How To Play OOP vs. a Covering Stack at the Final Table
Contesting a pot against a player who covers you at a final table (FT) is one of…
How To Get the Most out of Your Hand Reviews
I don’t spend much of my study time checking whether specific hands I played are “solver-approved.” After…
Mastering Postflop ICM: Avoid These Common Mistakes
The new postflop ICM feature from GTO Wizard is a game changer. Previous incarnations of postflop ICM…
What Happens When Playing Chip EV and ICM Is Significant
Just how costly is it to play a Chip EV style when ICM is significant? We always…
Responding to Donk-Bets at Final Tables
It’s scary to contest a pot against a covering stack when you have a high risk premium,…
Donk-Betting As the Covering Stack in MTTs
Tournament poker generally incentivizes stack preservation and more conservative play than cash game poker, and this is…
Exploiting BBs Who Never Donk-Bet
In a single-raised pot (SRP), a BB caller should almost always check when out of position (OOP)…
Short Stack Stealing on the Bubble
Open-raising on the bubble into players who cover you is scary. Savvy opponents will recognize how dangerous…
Confronting Monsters Under the Bed in Poker
Do you hide from things that go bump in the night? Does the sight of a monotone…