How To Negotiate Final Table Deals
Most people’s first introduction to the Independent Chip Model (ICM) is not from studying bubble play or…
10 min. / 32 sec.
How Does ICM Impact PKO Strategy?
If you have read The Theory of Progressive Knockout Tournaments you already know why we can play…
20 min. / 27 sec.
Multiway strategy in Progressive Knockout Tournaments
Progressive Knockout (PKO) tournaments are much more complex than traditional MTTs. The fact that players are incentivized…
13 min. / 8 sec.
How ICM Impacts Postflop Strategy
Most players understand how the Independent Chip Model (ICM) in poker impacts their strategy preflop, especially at…
14 min. / 5 sec.
What is the Bubble Factor in poker tournaments?
The Independent Chip Model (ICM) shows us the real money implications of tournament chip decisions. Most players…
12 min. / 33 sec.