Cleaning Out Sticky IP Callers
A “sticky” player on your left, one who calls your preflop raises too often and doesn’t give…
Defending Against Tiny 3-Bets
Tournament poker is about precision. Cash games, where stacks typically run into the hundreds of big blinds,…
Overchoice: Making Sense of Multiple Sizings
Solver solutions with multiple bet sizes often involve a lot of mixing between those sizes, thereby blurring…
River Refinements: When Your Opponent Won’t Check-Raise
One of the biggest strategic differences between playing in versus out of position involves betting frequency and…
Turn Barreling in 3-Bet Pots
There are two articles on the GTO Wizard blog that make good prerequisites to this piece: Principles…
Adjusting on Later Streets After Exploiting Flop
The key to exploiting opponents profitably is knowing when to stop. I’m not referring to how often…
C-Betting IP vs Passive Poker Players
A preflop raiser enjoys a significant range advantage over a BB caller, enabling them to continuation bet…
C-Betting Against ICM Preflop Ranges
You raise from early position (EP) in a multi-table tournament and the BB calls. Both of you…
The Art of Bluff Catching
Bluff catching—calling a bet with a modest hand which you expect to win only if your opponent…