Protect Equity and Prosper
When we think about the best hands to bet in a given situation, we tend to consider…
Do Solvers Have Targets?
Targeting has long been a staple of exploitative poker thinking. When you’re value betting against a predictable…
Disciplining Big Blind in Limped Pots
When the BTN open-limps off a short stack, the postflop play against the BB should resemble that…
I’d Rather Be Drawing
Which is the better hand on a K♥8♦5♦ flop: K♠T♣ or 7♥6♥? OK, I’ll admit I didn’t…
The Curious Case of Open-Limping Buttons
Before the advent of solvers, open-limping was considered the province of passive, gambley recreational players who just…
Cleaning Out Sticky IP Callers
A “sticky” player on your left, one who calls your preflop raises too often and doesn’t give…
Defending Against Tiny 3-Bets
Tournament poker is about precision. Cash games, where stacks typically run into the hundreds of big blinds,…
Heads up! Exploiting SB’s Preflop Mistakes
Heads up (HU) tournament play presents unique challenges to the average player. Many tournament players, particularly those…
C-Betting As the OOP Preflop Raiser
Position is an extremely valuable advantage in poker. Most players would describe the comfort zone as being…