Relationships and Poker

Relationships and Poker

In my more than 15 years of poker coaching, I’ve helped hundreds of clients improve their check-raising,…

05/03/2024       14 min. / 8 sec.
Do Multiple Sizes Matter?

Do Multiple Sizes Matter?

Should I work out the other tools or just stick to the crowbar? Solver results can appear…

04/03/2024       12 min. / 20 sec.
Check-Raising a Single Pair

Check-Raising a Single Pair

In this article, I will address a question raised by Twitter/X user ’Matt Riley’, who asks, “In…

26/02/2024       9 min. / 34 sec.
The Turn Probe Bet

The Turn Probe Bet

Imagine yourself defending as the BB caller vs BTN preflop raiser in a 100bb cash game pot.…

20/02/2024       16 min. / 50 sec.
Protecting Equity

Protect Equity and Prosper

When we think about the best hands to bet in a given situation, we tend to consider…

13/02/2024       11 min. / 53 sec.
Disciplining Big Blind in Limped Pots

Do Solvers Have Targets?

Targeting has long been a staple of exploitative poker thinking. When you’re value betting against a predictable…

12/02/2024       8 min. / 42 sec.