The Math of Multi-Street Bluffs

The Math of Multi-Street Bluffs

Bluffing is a fundamental skill in poker, blending deception with strategic calculation to sway the outcomes of…

15/07/2024       14 min. / 40 sec.
The Mechanics of C-Bet Sizing

The Mechanics of C-Bet Sizing

What factors influence c-bet sizing on the flop? Is it fold equity, SPR, draw equity, polarity, protection,…

09/07/2024       19 min. / 15 sec.
How Does Poker Staking Work? An Exploration of Staking in Poker

Poker Staking Essentials

One of the great ‘through the looking glass’ moments for any poker player is when they learn…

25/06/2024       20 min. / 26 sec.