New solutions, Aggregation reports, and other improvements!
Hello Wizards, another week and another update just hit the servers. Let’s take a look at what new has arrived in GTO Wizard.
New solutions
– Cash Heads-Up ; added all post-flop spots
– Cash 6max ; NL500 General resolved CO spots with rake (preflop only)
– MTT 8max ; added 10,12,14,17,20,25 BB Stack depths (preflop only)
– MTT 6max ; added 60,80 BB Stack depths (preflop only)
– Added Aggregated reports for NL500 Complex solutions
– Added EQR and Strategy+EV to the Solution browser
– Improved UI and speed of the Solution browser
– Added a Drawing mode
– Added new design of playing cards
– Ability to see Aggregated reports without the need to select flop
– Improved Horizontal view in the Solution browser
– Show info popup in practice mode has “range height” switch
– HH Analyzer now shows if your files are in queue or already being analyzed
– Improved analysis of multilingual HH files for HH Analyzer
– Fixed various bugs and other minor improvements
Let’s take a look at all improvements more in-depth.
We have added all spots for Cash HU. You can find them in the format selector as Heads-up Simple solutions. We call them Simple since there are no limps preflop. We will also release Advanced Heads-up solutions with limps preflop. We have solved them with NL500 rake (5% 0.3BB CAP).
We have added the first 8max ranges for 10-25 BB stack depths (10,12,14,17,20,25). We have also added 6max ranges for 60 and 80 BB. All these solutions are only for preflop. And yes, they are entirely free! You can expect MTT post-flop sims soon as well. We have worked on these solutions with the best MTT players in the world and if you play tournaments, keep an eye on our Discord since we are planning a lot of cool stuff for MTTS.
Cash game
We have found out we, by mistake, solved all CO spots in NL500 General solutions without rake. We have resolved these spots for preflop, and soon you can expect also resolved post-flop spots. We will also soon add missing spots for both NL50 and NL500 General solutions (UTG+HJ post-flop). There has been discussion about General solutions since we have changed preflop ranges (2x and 2.3x open from early positions). We are listening to you, and you can also expect other General sims, where everyone will be opening to 2.5x). Although we started to release different formats, we are still focused on Cash games a lot, and you can expect many new solutions, including 200bb stack depth, in the following weeks and months.
Do you want to get notified on your email when we add new solutions? Sign up here!

NL500 Complex Aggregated reports
Now you can also study NL500 complex reports. Access them by selecting NL500 complex in the “Format selector” in the main header and then click on “Reports” in the Solution browser.
Added EQR and Strategy+EV to the Solution browser
Besides Strategy, EV, and Equity, you can also study Equity realization (EQR) in the Solution browser. It also appears in the “Summary tab” in the Solution browser. We have also added the Strategy+EV view. It shows Strategy and EV for each action together. We grouped all the Range views into one dropdown menu. You can press “1” to switch between the views, and you can press “1,2,3” to switch between the tabs (Strategy, Ranges, Reports) faster.
Improved UI and speed of the Solution browser
We have also improved the speed of the Solution browser (completely removed the lag when skipping between the Ranges and Strategy tab). We also adjusted the UI of the Solution browser for 8max. You can also find small improvements in the Aggregation reports (New view for filters and groupings).
New Drawing mode
We have noticed many of you are studying with your friends over screen sharing. So to make your experience better, we have added a drawing mode. This will also boost your experience from weekly coaching with Saulo Costa (live coaching every Wednesday for Premium users). Simply press B and start drawing to release your inner Da Vinci.

New design of playing cards
We are also releasing another design of playing cards. To customize your settings, click on the “settings wheel” in the top-right menu, or access it on this link. We have added a new design also for the white version of the cards.
See Aggregation reports without the need to select flop
We have listened to you, and now you can access flop reports without the need to choose the flop. Simply when getting to the “Flop selector,” click on the “FLOPS” button. It also works for Turns, but keep in mind to get to the turn reports, you will need to select a specific flop first.

Improved Horizontal view in the solution browser
We gave you an option to vote which view you prefer on our Discord, and all of you voted very heavily for the new view. Navigating will now be easier when you have “Show lines” turned ON in the Horizontal view. Also, when you click directly on the specific combo, the cell will get a lot bigger now, so it’s easier to read. If you don’t know about this mode, there is a switch on the top right, above the range table, to switch between Horizontal and Vertical views. Feel free to try it.
Improved show info popup in the Practice mode
Now you can switch between the “Full height; Range height; Normalized” views of the range table even in the “Show info” popup in the Practice mode. To open the “Show info” popup, click on the “range” icon on the top right, above the poker table, in the Practice mode.
New status for HH Analyzer files
Recently, there has been an enormous load for HH Analyzer, and you had to wait for your files to get analyzed. We have added a new status, “In the queue,” which tells you if your file is being analyzed or waiting for it. Our goal is to have a smooth HH Analyzer for everyone, so once you upload files, you can expect them to be analyzed almost instantly (we are analyzing about 1,5k hands per minute). However, thanks to the recent high load, some of you had to wait. This will change soon as we will add many new servers during the following days and weeks.
Improved analysis of multilingual HH Files for HH Analyzer
There were some issues if you played on specific sites (,, etc.) We have improved all of the sites experiencing problems, and all major sites are working flawlessly.
Fixed various bugs
As always, we have improved all reported bugs and added missing spots you guys discovered. Thanks for your reports!