AI and the Future of Poker
Over the last decade, the world of poker has witnessed a systemic change, not just in the…
Kick Off 2025 With New Cash Game and ICM Solutions for MTTs
New Year, New Poker (Re)Solutions! As 2025 approaches, we are setting the stage for an incredible year.…
Redefining Precision: Introducing HH Analyzer 2.0 & Much More
Hello Wizards, today we’re excited to introduce innovative updates designed to transform how you study and play…
Introducing GTO Wizard Play Mode: Play Poker, Study Effortlessly
Get ready to experience the next evolution in poker with GTO Wizard Play Mode—a new way to…
Revolutionizing MTTs: The Ultimate ICM Solver Upgrade
The most monumental advancement to MTT study in the history of poker solvers is now here. GTO…
Live Cash Solutions and 4,000 New Scenarios for Cash & MTT Formats
Greetings, Wizards! We’re excited to bring you our latest solutions updates, inspired by your feedback from our…
Pioneering Poker AI Research
During the past decades, given its direct relationship with real-world applications such as negotiation, auctions, cybersecurity, and…
Your Daily Dose of GTO is Here!
Greetings, Wizards! Today we’re proud to announce the release of our new free eBook, ‘Daily Dose of…
GTO Wizard 2023 Wrapup
As 2023 draws to a close, GTO Wizard invites you to explore your poker journey through our…
Customizable Raked Solutions With GTO Wizard AI
Here at GTO Wizard, we’re always pushing the boundaries to create the world’s best poker training tool,…
Introducing GTO Wizard AI Heads Up Preflop Solver
Today, we’re announcing a major upgrade – introducing Heads Up Preflop Solver! And read until the end…
We Are Hiring
With the rise of GTO Wizard’s adoption and its establishment as a consumer staple, we are looking…
Introducing Nodelocking
Today, we roll out the feature you’ve all been asking for: Unleash the power of Nodelocking with…
Towards a Safer Poker Ecosystem
Over the past years, many cheating accusations and scandals have surfaced in the poker world, be it…
Introducing GTO Wizard AI
Today, we are proud to introduce another technological breakthrough – GTO Wizard AI. This powerful technology can…
Simplified Solutions and a New Interface!
Greetings, Wizards! We have an exciting update for you! The interface has been completely redesigned with new…
New Spins solutions, Study Plans & EV Comparison
We have another fantastic update for you today! We’ve added a completely new sets of high-accuracy Spin…
PKO Solutions & New Dashboard
Greetings Wizards, we have a major update for you today! You will now have access to a…
New Blocker Scores & Drill Management and ICM Solutions
Wizards, today we have another significant update for you! We’re releasing hundreds of new ICM solutions! Check…
Thousands of New Solutions & Interface Updates
Today we are releasing our largest batch of new solutions to date! In fact, we added so…
GTO Wizard Themes Competition Winners
Hello Wizards, in August, we announced a themes competition, where we gave you a chance to win…
Train like a Pro
Train like a Pro. In this update, we’ve introduced a new Practice Mode statistics page, better performance…
Multitabling & New solutions
Multitabling & New solutions. Wizards, today we’re releasing Multi-tabling, great improvements for Trainer, and new solutions.
ICM MTT, 9Max Cash Solutions & Great Improvements
Check out our new ICM MTT spots, HU MTT, deepstack cash, and 9max cash solutions.
New solutions filter + Trainer Improvements
Wizards, today we’re releasing many new Cash and MTT solutions, including a brand new 6max Straddle +…
GTO Wizard in Japan
GTO Wizard is proud to present our 5th tournament in Japan!
8Max Cash Game Straddle + Ante is here!
8Max Cash Game Straddle/Ante! We’ve also doubled the speed of the Hand History Analyzer and introduced several…
6 Gründe Warum Du GTO Wizard Nutzen Solltest
6 Gründe Warum Du GTO Wizard Nutzen Solltest
6 Reasons Why You Should Use GTO Wizard
6 Reasons Why You Should Use GTO Wizard. The primary problem with running your own solves is…
MTT Postflop solutions, New Breakdown view & Many improvements!
Wizards, today we are releasing one of the biggest updates so far. A lot of new MTT…
Range builder improvements, 200BB Solutions, iPoker support & more!
Wizards, today we are releasing new solutions, speed improvements, significant improvements to the Range builder, iPoker support…
New Cash Game & MTT solutions, Aggregated reports and new solutions for HH Analyzer!
Wizards, today we are releasing new solutions, aggregated reports, and Cash General solutions for HH Analyzer!
Releasing many improvements & GTO Wizard is now multilungual!
Wizards, today we are releasing multiple improvements, and GTO Wizard is now multilingual!
Introducing MTT, Spin & Go and HU SnG postflop solutions! (For free!)
Today we are releasing multiple new solutions for a Cash game, MTT, Spin & Go, and HU…
The best solutions we ever had and other improvements!
Our best solutions, chart view and more, today we are completing the best solutions we ever had,…
New solutions, Aggregation reports and other improvements!
New solutions, Aggregation reports. Hello Wizards, another week and another update just hit the servers. Let’s take…
New update – Folder upload, Preflop shortcuts and more!
NL50 preflop ranges completed. Now all the NL50 preflop spots are available and browsable entirely for free…
Status and info about our solutions
Status & info about our solutions. Preflop was solved in MonkerSolver using a very complicated preflop tree…
Files upload, Premium tier, and free ranges! A major update is here
You can now upload files with your session or even your whole database. This feature was quite…
What the future holds for GTO Wizard?
Future of GTO Wizard. First of all, let me thank all of you for your support and…
All you need to know about our solutions
How we solved our solutions. In November we have released GTO Wizard, an advanced GTO tool where…
Supported sites and formats for HH Analyzer
In this article, we are going to breakdown what formats and sites we are currently supporting and…
Hand History Analyzer is here!
We are thrilled to announce that Hand History Analyzer is out after months of work! What is…